Corona virus in Nepal and Kailash Mansarovar Yatra

Few details regarding corona virus:


The Distance of our Stay in Tibet from Wuhan (Mainland CHINA affected by deadly “Coronavirus): Purang to Wuhan: 4683 km.

Date of Travel:

Our travel date is after 28th May 2020 which is three & half months from today. As per Current situation No one is allowed from China to India up to March 2020, but we are starting the tour End of May & visiting Tibet in month of June 2020.


Yes India has also banned issuing visa to China, but during Kailash Mansarovar Yatra no Mainland Visa or Permit is issued. The Permit is only for visit to Kailash Mansarovar area which is in Tibet.

Climate in Tibet:

As per the climatic condition in Wuhan right now is 6 degree , precipitation 30% & Humidity 87% favorable for the growth of Virus, while the climate in Tibet during our tour visit is -2 degree at Night & 23 degree minimum ( Tibet Summer) unfavorable for climate for its spread. As per Weather now-21degree to -7 degree again unfavorable climate to sustain.

Current Situation:

The below attached imaged (Reference by New York Time) state there is no Virus detected in the Tibet Area. 

Meanwhile BBC News write that the new cases from the Corona virus outbreak is Drop gradually.


We haven’t received any letter from FOREIGN EXCHANGE CENTER (FEC) of LHAS, Organization responsible for Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Permit & Visa.

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